Ask Our Team of Experts About Our Tour Prices

See Our Frequently Asked Questions!

  • What time should I check in?

    Check-in time is 30 minutes prior to your flight

  • Where do I go to check in?

    Check-in time is 30 minutes before your flight.  **Caution!!! traffic time can easily double during rush hour traffic** Please allow extra drive time to ensure you make it to your flight on time! Please visit our office at 3954 Merlin Dr. Kissimmee FL 34741 to check in. Enter through door #3. Late arrivals will not be able to join the flight as we run on a very tight schedule, have many others scheduled for flights after yours, and cannot delay take-off times.  Thank you for your understanding and consideration for the rest of our guests waiting for their flights.

  • Can I be late to my flight?

    Late arrivals will not be able to join the flight as we run on a very tight schedule, have many others scheduled for flights after yours, and cannot delay take-off times.  Thank you for your understanding and consideration for the rest of our guests waiting for their flights.

  • Is there a weight limit, age limit, or are there any issues with flying pregnant?

    No! We accommodate all ages, sizes, and it is okay to fly with us if you are pregnant!

  • How should I dress?

    Please dress in layers so that you can comfortably adjust to differing conditions.  It is usually warmer in the helicopter than outside.

  • What can I bring on the helicopter?

    Camera and water are welcome on board. Due to the limited space on the helicopter, any-size carry-on bags or purses are NOT allowed.

  • Do you offer any discounts?

    Apex Air Helicopter Tours gladly offers a 10% discount to all veterans and currently serving military and first responders.

    We also offer repeat customer discounts, and group discounts.

    Please call us at (877) 546-2099 to book your tour.

  • What is your cancellation policy?

    Tours rebooked will be subject to a $20 rescheduling fee per seat and may be rescheduled up to 24 hours prior to the flight. Passengers who fail to show up or are more than 15 minutes late for check-in, will be billed the full price for the tour. Apex Air Tours takes pride in providing the highest quality product however in the event of unforeseen circumstances that would preclude us from being able to perform the flight, Apex Air Tours professional staff shall work with our customers to establish a rebooking at no charge. Cancellations are subject to the rebooking fee to issue a voucher that may be used at a later date.

    All ticket/gift card sales are final.

  • Do I need to bring my credit card and ID?

     For your security, at check-in, you are required to present the credit card that was used to pay for your booking along with matching valid photo identification. The name listed on your credit card must be identical to the contact name listed on your booking.


**Must present the photo ID and payment method upon check-in.

 For your security, at check-in you are required to present the credit card that was used to pay for your booking along with matching valid photo identification. The name listed on your credit card must be identical to the contact name listed on your booking.


Do you still have questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch with us! Contact Apex Air Tours for additional information or assistance regarding our helicopter tours.

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